Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Thing 24
Thing 24 is really cool. I think this is one thing that would be very usable in my life and at work. How quick and easy it was converted. I couldn't belive it. I did it and it was emailed right to me. Took me longer to type the email address and password than it did for the file to come through. Really a neat site.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
One more thing
Just one more comment. On my home computer I have windows xp. There are two tabs at the top. I thought how silly why would anyone need 2 windows open at once. I do! I learned to use and love this feature. See I'm even learning about my home computer. What a great feature.
Thing 23
This incredible journey has come to an end. It was a scary, at times frustrating and at times fun journey. It was a very good learning experience. There are so many demands for my time that I don't play with my computer like I probably should. You showed me how to play and how to learn things. With my fellow workers I stayed with it, their help was great. I no longer feel as "dumb" about the computer as I did. I think maybe I could have played around more than I did. Sometimes my blog looks very plain and unadorned. I am amazed that after the first few struggles to post it came much easier, I could remember when to edit Html and when to compose.
I don't know that I really had life long learning goals for some of the things that this involved. But I'm very happy to have had the chance to look at many of these places and idea's. Some of them really do make you think about how to use them for your own self and how could we use them here at work. Can we teach them to our public? I would like to think that we could, if the public was willing to learn.
I am surprised at what I did learn and what I did accomplish. This was very new ground for me. I think some of my fear of the "new" is contained. Not gone, but less than it was before. I am surprised that I actually did struggle through the hard times and accomplished this whole program. For that I am grateful to all who have helped me along the way.
I would probably participate in another program like this. It's where the future is and I certainly want to be part of that future. For myself, and my loved ones and for the public. We are YPL and we want to give the best service possible. It's reward to tackle something new. Maybe I haven't learned as much as there was to learn, but I did try and I would try again. Any thing that is taken from this and put to use in my life is a good thing.
Thanks to all who worked so hard in getting this set up. Life is all about learning.
I don't know that I really had life long learning goals for some of the things that this involved. But I'm very happy to have had the chance to look at many of these places and idea's. Some of them really do make you think about how to use them for your own self and how could we use them here at work. Can we teach them to our public? I would like to think that we could, if the public was willing to learn.
I am surprised at what I did learn and what I did accomplish. This was very new ground for me. I think some of my fear of the "new" is contained. Not gone, but less than it was before. I am surprised that I actually did struggle through the hard times and accomplished this whole program. For that I am grateful to all who have helped me along the way.
I would probably participate in another program like this. It's where the future is and I certainly want to be part of that future. For myself, and my loved ones and for the public. We are YPL and we want to give the best service possible. It's reward to tackle something new. Maybe I haven't learned as much as there was to learn, but I did try and I would try again. Any thing that is taken from this and put to use in my life is a good thing.
Thanks to all who worked so hard in getting this set up. Life is all about learning.
Thing 22
I explored netlibrary. Wow! I am a great fan of audio books. Keep one in the car all the time. My trips to Cleveland go so much quicker when I listen to a book. There are so very many titles there. It's very exciting to see so many favorite authors, where does one start?
I have downloaded one of the fish books and read most of that on my computer. I did this when we first got book's. I'm afraid that I just can't curl up with my cup of tea and a blanket and read the way I can when it's a book in hand. But for books that we don't have that circulate it was ok. I find that my eyes got tired much quicker reading off the computer screen.
I also download an eaudio book when we first got them. Unfortunately my cd burner wasn't working and I never got the book burned. I'm lucky because my van plays cd's and cassettes, so I can usually find the audio I want in either format. I am going to be brave one of these days and try burning an audio book. There are so many books and I have so little time.
These audio's can really help time pass. So many of our patrons really like and use them not just for drives in the car, but while they are cleaning, ironing (does make that chore go much quicker)or even at work. What a great service this is.
I have downloaded one of the fish books and read most of that on my computer. I did this when we first got book's. I'm afraid that I just can't curl up with my cup of tea and a blanket and read the way I can when it's a book in hand. But for books that we don't have that circulate it was ok. I find that my eyes got tired much quicker reading off the computer screen.
I also download an eaudio book when we first got them. Unfortunately my cd burner wasn't working and I never got the book burned. I'm lucky because my van plays cd's and cassettes, so I can usually find the audio I want in either format. I am going to be brave one of these days and try burning an audio book. There are so many books and I have so little time.
These audio's can really help time pass. So many of our patrons really like and use them not just for drives in the car, but while they are cleaning, ironing (does make that chore go much quicker)or even at work. What a great service this is.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thing 21
I explored the world of podcast. I really liked the ones put out by SirsiDynix Institute. The ideas and applications that they talk about are something that our library system could use. I liked when they talked about the teens participating in a monthly program. We seem to have so much trouble reaching that age for programming. Maybe our teen xtreme board could become involved in something. I also listened to a book review of inkheart. (I loved both inkspell and inkheart). It was done by a youth who had read the books with an adult asking some questions. Our school age group is another one that's hard to reach. Something like that might bring more of them in for good reads. It helps to have your peers recommend books. I think a tour of the main library might be a good thing too. If we all sat down and talked about it I think we could find many uses for our system. I never realized how interesting and informative a podcast could be. Thanks.
Thing 20 pt 2
You tube is fun. I chose the harry potter ticking noise because it made me laugh. Harry is a very popular person right now and I just truly enjoyed watching it. I liked a car commercial one too, but Harry was quicker for me to find. It was interesting to check out the tags that came with some of the video's too.
We could probably learn to create some of these and share information among ourselves. It's not as scary as I thought it would be. You can find information by entering the tags. Some of the video's are just silly, some are just trashy, many have information to share. It's just kind of a fun site and I think it's one that I would like to play with more.
Many of us have come a long way with this new technology. Perhaps a few videos like this on how to use Search Ohio, or other information could be useful to us and to our public.
Thanks, I enjoyed this and will probably try watching more of the videos when time allows.
We could probably learn to create some of these and share information among ourselves. It's not as scary as I thought it would be. You can find information by entering the tags. Some of the video's are just silly, some are just trashy, many have information to share. It's just kind of a fun site and I think it's one that I would like to play with more.
Many of us have come a long way with this new technology. Perhaps a few videos like this on how to use Search Ohio, or other information could be useful to us and to our public.
Thanks, I enjoyed this and will probably try watching more of the videos when time allows.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thing #19
These are really some fun things. The cocktail builder site is interesting. Fun to look at all the different kinds of drinks and fun to see what you could mix up for a holiday party.
I also went to the games and tried guess the google. Gosh talk about pressure. Some were pretty simple others were elusive. But fun. It's nice to use the little grey cells every once-in-a-while. I think I would like to explore this site again.
I also went to the games and tried guess the google. Gosh talk about pressure. Some were pretty simple others were elusive. But fun. It's nice to use the little grey cells every once-in-a-while. I think I would like to explore this site again.
Thing #18 add on
Ok it was much easier for me to publish this document from google doc than from Zoho. I'm so pleased that one of them worked for me!
I was unsuccessful in posting this to my blog in zoho. So I'm trying the google docs. My thoughts are that I think this would be a wonderful way for staff to access thier schedule's. When you are on vacation you could access the next week's schedule without having to install excel on your home computer. We have tried to email the schedule and sometimes the person we are sending it to cannot open the document. I like this idea of sharing.
Thing #18
I signed up for a zoho account. I couldn't get it to publish to my blog. I emailed it to my account and was told that that was successful. I'll check with some of my co workers tomorrow to see it I'm doing something wrong. I really feel this has some use for us.
Thing #17
Ok, I take back all the negative comments about the wiki's. I like the sandbox wiki's. It was fun adding my comments to some of the favorites. My music likes, my restaurant likes and my tv favorites. In this instance it's very interesting to see what other people like. But for factual info I'm still a bit dubious. I think this is something that I might really enjoy looking at and doing some more of. Thanks for showing me this concept.
Friday, October 19, 2007
thing 16
Ok, I've been looking at wiki's. I'm a bit dubious about some of the information I've gotten. I don't think it's really something that I would use as gosple truth. It's to easy for misinformation to get posted. Also it's to easy for some one to change what I posted, wether it's right or wrong. I think it has a good application for libraries and perhaps local book clubs. To see other peoples revues of books is helpful. There are so many books to pick from it's nice to see the average person give thier opionion. I think it would be great if local book clubs could post the book of the month and some info about the book. You might read a book just because of what has been posted.
I'm not sure I could use it for information that I wanted to share in a report or paper. I would always doubt what I am reading. Maybe to find some basic information about a subject, I might look at wikipedia, but I think I would want something with more structure for my final determination of information.
I enjoyed looking at many of the different applications. I think it would benefit teen extreme with great books, or fun crafts/projects to do with this difficult age. Sharing that type of information is good.
I liked the application for the confrence in New Orleans. It was interesting to see what people would recommend for restaraunts, or sight seeing. It would be helpful when planning what lectures to listen to.
There are many good applications for wiki's. It just takes a lot of time to look and read them. I would probably look for something when I'm planning a vacation or trying to find a new author. It's been a fun experience. I really enjoyed the wiki on rss feed. They made it simple and I was able to understand it. It was cute and refreshing because it was so low-tech.
I'm not sure I could use it for information that I wanted to share in a report or paper. I would always doubt what I am reading. Maybe to find some basic information about a subject, I might look at wikipedia, but I think I would want something with more structure for my final determination of information.
I enjoyed looking at many of the different applications. I think it would benefit teen extreme with great books, or fun crafts/projects to do with this difficult age. Sharing that type of information is good.
I liked the application for the confrence in New Orleans. It was interesting to see what people would recommend for restaraunts, or sight seeing. It would be helpful when planning what lectures to listen to.
There are many good applications for wiki's. It just takes a lot of time to look and read them. I would probably look for something when I'm planning a vacation or trying to find a new author. It's been a fun experience. I really enjoyed the wiki on rss feed. They made it simple and I was able to understand it. It was cute and refreshing because it was so low-tech.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Here I am again. I read some of the articles. I think I agree that the library is a social place. I work in a large mid size branch. We have a lot of interaction with our public. Many come in looking forward to the social exchanges. I believe that joining in Search Ohio was a huge benefit to us. In the same sense as the school using the ILL format. We can provide so much more for the public and at the same time getting them involved in using a computer. I'm not sure that I will ever be in favor of a total electronic catalogue of items. E books are nice I did try one when we first offered the service. It will be beneficial for scholars in the that they can read and save to the computer important information. But I don't think anything can ever replace a book in hand, a comfy chair and hours to get lost in a story. I can see that as the future changes so must we, the library make changes. We need to move ahead. The biggest challenge that we face right now is getting ourselves equipped with technology that the new younger generation will be demanding, and not forgetting our current older public who are not into the computer generation and probably will never totally be involved.
Library 2.0 is a great thought provoker. It's making me think about technology in a new light. It's also teaching me what the younger public is looking at, thinking, and doing with some of this new knowledge. I know that I personally will probably never use some of this, but I can see my grandson and my great nieces and nephews needing this technology. It feels good to know that I will at least understand some of it and perhaps be able to help them on the quest for knowledge.
Library 2.0 is a great thought provoker. It's making me think about technology in a new light. It's also teaching me what the younger public is looking at, thinking, and doing with some of this new knowledge. I know that I personally will probably never use some of this, but I can see my grandson and my great nieces and nephews needing this technology. It feels good to know that I will at least understand some of it and perhaps be able to help them on the quest for knowledge.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Thing 14
I visited the technorati and looked through the tags. I didn't do a lot with this. I think if I was really researching something this would be great. Maybe as time goes by I'll try a little more and when I feel more comfortable I'll be able to use this feature. It's good to know about it for future work with my grandson.
Thing 13
It was interesting. I did add the my buttons to my home computers tool bar. Now finding the time to actually use them is the next thing.
Monday, August 13, 2007
I am on a roll with a brand new rollyo. I have a very slow computer here at work and I thought I did something wrong, but it finally worked. I was very excited. How interesting it is looking at some of the other rollyo's that people make. I feel like I have accomplished so much. Time to move forward to my next "thing".
I used the text generator to select some lettering that read pumpkins are my life. It was here on Saturday and gone on monday. So being the creative person I am I selected a different generator and made something new. It's a car lable. It's really cool and fun. I had a good time creating names for gnomes, and monsters. These generators are really fun, but when will I really use them again? Thanks Colleen for helping me with my booklist wiki. I missed one step and now that I wrote down the steps I should be good to go. I'm ready to forge ahead for my last part of this "thing".
Friday, August 10, 2007
I have spent many days looking through all these generators. I don't have any pictures of myself or my family loaded on the computer so the fun ones that I wanted to try I couldn't. I really must get some pictures of us to play with. I enjoyed the text generator and playing around with different style of lettering. I liked the clock and counter too! I'm still working on the book list wiki. Where is Colleen when I need her????????????? It was a fun site and I enjoyed making my book list. Just wish it would go where I want it to.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I had a good time looking at so many different feeds. I found several that I added. I liked the vocabulary words the best. Very interesting. I will have to remember to look for the symbol when I'm on different sites. It seems a little scary to me. Now I need a computer to check the news. Will I be turning into a computer??????????
I think I'm ready to move on to my next thing.
I think I'm ready to move on to my next thing.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
RSS feed
I finally was successful. I kept typing in my gmail account not .com. I still have more exploring to do but I was able to attach a link at the bottom of my blog page for other people to connect to. Once you know what you are doing it's not quite so difficult to do. The difficult thing is remembering what I did and how I did it.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
RSS feed
I tried to set up an account with bloglines. It keeps telling me to respond to the email. Unfortunately there is no email to respond to. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I used my gmail account, but there isn't anything in it to respond to. This is very frustrating for me. I'm working from home and there isn't anyone to ask. I did email bloglines for help. It takes 2 working days to hear from them. I guess I'm stalled. I'll keep checking and hope I can get a feed started soon.
I have been working from home and I did this one all by myself. I can't believe I did it. Everything is so interesting but I still feel a bit illiterate when I read how to do things. How long will it take to understand all this new language. I'm not sure I really understand English. I have created 2 pictures from flickr. I think that I'm ready to move on.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
This is day 2 and I've had more to learn. I wasn't sure how to register my account with the library. I'm lucky that I have some very helpful co-workers. Now I'm really official. I'm registered.
The video was interesting. I think sometimes I let fear of the unknown get the best of me. I need to learn how to relax and learn, then I need to relax and remember. Setting this up was easier than I thought. I'm really excited about learning new things. I'm just sorry that I will be gone all of next week. I hope that it won't put me too far behind. I think I will probably need to work on some of this from home. Every new challenge is a learning experience. I need to flow with the experience.
The video was interesting. I think sometimes I let fear of the unknown get the best of me. I need to learn how to relax and learn, then I need to relax and remember. Setting this up was easier than I thought. I'm really excited about learning new things. I'm just sorry that I will be gone all of next week. I hope that it won't put me too far behind. I think I will probably need to work on some of this from home. Every new challenge is a learning experience. I need to flow with the experience.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Oh the sweet feeling of success. I created a blog. Not quite as scary as I thoght it would be. At times it was a little frustrating. Have I leaped into something that could be over my head? Oh gosh, everything is over my head.
This could be fun. Looking forward to posting more and learning much more.
This could be fun. Looking forward to posting more and learning much more.
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