Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thing 22

I explored netlibrary. Wow! I am a great fan of audio books. Keep one in the car all the time. My trips to Cleveland go so much quicker when I listen to a book. There are so very many titles there. It's very exciting to see so many favorite authors, where does one start?
I have downloaded one of the fish books and read most of that on my computer. I did this when we first got book's. I'm afraid that I just can't curl up with my cup of tea and a blanket and read the way I can when it's a book in hand. But for books that we don't have that circulate it was ok. I find that my eyes got tired much quicker reading off the computer screen.
I also download an eaudio book when we first got them. Unfortunately my cd burner wasn't working and I never got the book burned. I'm lucky because my van plays cd's and cassettes, so I can usually find the audio I want in either format. I am going to be brave one of these days and try burning an audio book. There are so many books and I have so little time.
These audio's can really help time pass. So many of our patrons really like and use them not just for drives in the car, but while they are cleaning, ironing (does make that chore go much quicker)or even at work. What a great service this is.

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